Preparing For Your First Amateur Golf Tournament

Are you debating whether or not to compete in your area's amateur golf tournament? If so, you aren't alone. Many people let their own insecurities keep them from competing in a tournament. However, you shouldn't allow your skill level hold your back. Amateur golf tournaments are designed so that casual golfers can get the exposure they need to eventually play on the PGA tour. It doesn't matter what your handicap is when you join the competition, but there are a few things you should know to prepare yourself for the game before the tournament begins.

Expect a Large Crowd at the Qualifying Event

There's no way to know how many people will attend your upcoming golf tournament, but local tournaments do draw a crowd. Don't be surprised to find that some amateur golfers have traveled a long way for a chance to compete in the tournament. Like you, they all want the experience and exposure that playing in an amateur golf tournament provides.

Practice on the Course

Before the qualifying event, play a few rounds of golf at the course holding the tournament. This way, you know what the course is like and can practice on holes that you have trouble with until your game improves.

Warm Up Before the Tournament

Many golf courses have a driving range. Before the tournament begins, spend some time at the driving range to warm up for the game. To warm up take about five or six swings with a few different golf clubs to loosen up your arms. Then, hit between 30 and 50 balls on the range -- just enough to make you feel like you're ready for tournament play.

Bring a Caddy

Even in amateur golf tournaments, you're allow to bring a caddy and you should. A caddy does more than hand you golf clubs each round. Think of your caddy as an extra set of eyes. Chances are, the caddy knows the course better than you do and is free to give you some advice when needed.

Playing in your first golf tournament doesn't have to be stressful. In fact, it should be a lot of fun. And, as long as you don't allow your insecurities to get the best of you, you spend some time learning about the course, practicing on the course, and warming up before you play there's no reason that you shouldn't have a good time. Keep an eye out for upcoming golf tournaments and keep these tips in mind when you sign up! 
